Time sure does fly! We have now been home for three weeks and I'm only now getting to post about our last week and a half on tour! I do apologize for that!
:: The last time I posted was just a day or two before the Widow's Banquet in Grassy Lake... Singing and helping with these is always a highlight of the tour ::
:: Mom with a wonderful friend ::
:: spending an afternoon walking around Lethbridge with a dear friend seeing all the lights and reindeer, eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate ::
:: let's just say we drink a lot of French pressed coffee :) ::
:: Whenever we're in the area we have to stop in at our favorite German/Mexican restaurant for some veranijke ::
:: this was a surprise! After one of our concerts my Aunt and Uncle came to the bus and gave us this ginormous gift basket! ::
:: We sang in Foam Lake one evening and the next day for lunch they hosted a Widow's Banquet where we had the privilege to sing ::
:: Go for it, TJ! ::
:: Wow! Three Widow's banquets in this post, huh? Well, the last one here was in Kenora, ON and it was a blast! ::
:: so many ladies... so many stories... ::
:: The following day we had church with long-time family friends and during lunch there was never a lull in catching up :D ::
From there we finally made it HOME! that was Sunday, November 26, so we've had some good times at home since then.
(This was waiting for us at home and it kinda made my day!)
My dear friend Crista came for a week and I have never spent so much time decorating a gingerbread village in my life :) but I had the best of times talking and making coffee drinks, singing endlessly along with "When We are Together" by the Tenors, and laughing up a storm!
:: Isn't this a beauty? ::
:: family gatherings are for building relationships and quilts ::
:: our little basement sitting area got cozier ::
:: our little Selah wants to be in on everything! ::
:: Ty has been real busy perfecting his snow sculptures and I've got to say, he does real well! ::
:: gasp ::
:: Julia and Lonita went on a Holiday Home tour with some friends ::
:: clearing snow is a frequent activity for them ::
:: Just last week Thursday we sang for a Senors Supper that some friends host every month... it was good to have my Dad's parents and my Mom's Dad there with us! ::
:: long winter evenings are meant for stories and cuddles, no? ::
Well, everyone! that concludes the Western Canada Tour of 2017! I'm hoping to keep up with posting every week when we leave again middle of January, but up until then, be on the lookout for a change of scenery :) I'll see if i can't post some more festive things and a room tour is coming up on Friday!
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable His judgments and untraceable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? Or who has ever first given to Him and needs to be repaid? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:33-36
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