Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Undeserved Love

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…

A couple weeks ago after one of our services the pastor led us to sing a song called “God is so Good.” Simple as it is, it’s a beautiful song. Then we sang the verse, “God loves us so…” and it struck me. I don’t know why I never thought of it before now, but God loves ME. He loves every part of me! He loves the way my nose scrunches and my eyes disappear when I laugh, my crooked toes, my strength, my love for puppies, my interest in design, and my scars. But He doesn’t just love me because of my good. I can try all I want and the best parts of me are still like the stench of old rags. What amazes me is that God sees my rebellion, my bad habits, and my heart, but loves me right there! He is so patient. So kind. He is the truest picture of humility. He is the highest standard for living. HE IS. Oh, how wonderful the thought that Jesus loves me!
I guess, what I'm trying to say is this. we do nothing to deserve Christ, or anything that He gives... including His love.
We owe our all to Him.   

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